- “The Information in Hedge Fund Option Holdings,” (with J. Hua and A. Puckett), Management Science, forthcoming.
- “Institutional Order Handling and Broker-Affiliated Trading Venues,” (with M. Samadi, J. Sokobin and K. Venkataraman), Review of Financial Studies, 2021, 34, 3364–3402.
- “Mutual Fund Trading Style and Bond Market Fragility,” (with C. Jotikasthira and K. Venkataraman), Review of Financial Studies, 2021, 34, 2993–3044.
- “Does Institutional Trading Affect Underwriting?,” (with P. Irvine and T. Liu), Journal of Corporate Finance, 2019, 58, 804-823.
- “Make-take structure and market quality: Evidence from the US options markets,” (with J. Hua and T. McCormick), Management Science, 2016, 62, 3271-3290.
- “Market Conditions, Fragility and the Economics of Market Making,” (with K. Venkataraman), Journal of Financial Economics, 2016, 121, 327-349.
- “Institutional Trading and Stock Resiliency: Evidence from the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis,” (with P. Irvine, A. Puckett and K. Venkataraman), Journal of Financial Economics, 2013, 108, 773-797.
- “Performance of Institutional Trading Desks: An Analysis of Persistence in Trading Cost,” (with P. Irvine, A. Puckett and K. Venkataraman), Review of Financial Studies, 2012, 25, 557-598.
- “Geographic Proximity and Price Discovery: Evidence from Nasdaq,” (with V. Gatchev, L. Madureira, C. Pirinsky, and S. Underwood), Journal of Financial Markets, 2011, 14, 193-226 (Lead Article).
- “Paying for market quality” (with C. Tanggaard and D. Weaver), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2009, 44, 1427-1457.
- “Cleaning house: Stock reassignments on the NYSE” (with S. Chakravarty and C. Chuwonganant), Journal of Financial Markets, 2009, 12, 727-753.
- “Book/Market Fluctuations, Trading Activity, and the Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns” (with A. Subrahmanyam), Review of Behavioral Finance, 2009, 1, 3-22.
- “Information and the intermediary: Are market intermediaries informed traders in electronic markets” (with A. Subrahmanyam), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2008, 43, 1-28 (Lead Article).
- “Stealth Trading in Options Markets” (with S. Chakravarty), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2007, 42, 167-188.
- “The Value of the Specialist: Empirical Evidence from the CBOE” (With D. Weaver), Journal of Financial Markets, 2006, 9, 100-118.
- “Relative Performance of Bid-Ask Spread Estimators: Futures Markets Evidence,” (with A. Karagozoglu), Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 2006, 16, 231-245.
- “Specialist: A Firm or an individual? Empirical Evidence from the Options Markets,” Journal of Economics and Business, 2005, 57, 555-575.
- “Empirical Evidence on the Evolution of Liquidity: Choice of Market versus Limit Orders by Informed and Uninformed Traders,” (with S. Chakravarty and T. Martell), Journal of Financial Markets, 2005, 8, 289-309.
- “Can Order Exposure be Mandated?” (with D. Weaver), Journal of Financial Markets, 2004, 7, 405-426.